Saturday, April 10, 2010

More on BPAs

Wanted to see what else I could find.

I discovered this:

Minutes from the backroom BPA meeting between Coca-Cola, Alcoa, NAMPA, GMA, ACC, and Del Monte

Which includes lots of info on how these companies are trying to sell the idea that BPAs aren't harmful, including "scare" tactics and targeting minorities and the poor.

I found this:

Chemical Manufacturers & Food Industry Defend Use of BPA

Which has much information, but this quote was especially interesting:
But the recent industry memo outlining the strategy discussion on how to address the public concern about the potential safety issues raised by BPA, and the public desire to switch to use of safe (or at least safer) chemicals from less safe ones, demonstrates that behind closed doors key industry trade associations - including the ACC, the Grocery Manufacturers of America, and the North American Metal Packaging Alliance and even individual companies like Coca-Cola, Del Monte, and ALCOA, are gearing up for a costly (perhaps in ways they didn't anticipate) media campaign to thwart chemical policy reform, and convince the public that it has to choose between exposure to (and consumption of) unsafe chemicals or loss of access to affordable necessities like infant formula and baby food.

Still researching as I can...


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